Bedside Monitor

What is a bedside monitor?

A bedside monitor is a display of major body functions on a device that looks like a television screen or computer monitor. The number of body functions the monitor measures is up to the doctor and nurse.

The monitor is attached to wires, called leads. At the other end, the leads are attached to sensing devices attached to the patient's body. The sensing device sends electronic signals to the monitor, which displays the readings for the specific body function being monitored.

When is a bedside monitor used?

The monitor is typically used when the doctor wants to measure functions like the heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and temperature. In addition, special functions such as capnography, oximetry, electroencephalography and pulmonary artery catheter readings are also used in certain situations. The bedside monitor has alarms that signal the nurse if a body function needs attention.

Does use of a bedside monitor hurt?

Being attached to the bedside monitor does not hurt.

How long is a bedside monitor used?

All patients admitted to the ICU have a bedside monitor attached to them. The bedside monitor is normally used the entire time a patient is in the ICU.

Are there any potential complications associated with use of a bedside monitor?


Bedside Monitor Close Up of Monitor